jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Basketball project VI: Second week of trainings

The good progresses with dribbling and passing by the children allowed the trainers to start with some skills about shooting. Let’s say individual skills are being learnt without problems, children are really enthusiastic about them and really pay attention. But when it comes to team work… It gets complicated!

Our advice is being to play different games which need children to collaborate and think together about the solution to a problem. It opposes the traditional, and quite established in Tanzania, method of direct commands. Actually, you may pass by a Tanzanian class and hear repetition of the numbers until infinite. The idea is giving another vision through sport. Trainers like the idea and we can see some very original games played in Msitu Wa Tembo playground.

Also, during this second week, Javi and me, initiators of the project, have taken some distance. So, trainers have more space for designing and performing their sessions. We are happy with progresses, and, which is so more important, trainers also.

At the same time, sports teachers of the school are getting closer, showing interest for participating on the sessions, what would be taken into account at setting up of next months (coming soon).

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