domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Basketball project I: introducing ourselves and the project in Baptist court

It was a great moment when approaching to the court more than 1 year after I said “Kwaheri” (Bye). I didn’t expect I would come back, but I got the chance to be back in Moshi and initiate this promising project, with my friend Javi Herrera, and thanks to TATU Project.

Dennis came to say “Karibu tena” (Welcome again), and we just joined to the match. Lead by Dennis and Thomas, the team seems to be at least as healthy as 1 year ago, even though there were some absences. Basketball happens EVERY day, at 5pm, in Baptist court.

In the meeting at the end of the training/match, we had the opportunity to talk about the project, which had been already known and accepted by them. It consists in 6 trainings for trainers, during these 4 weeks, at the same time as basketball classes for children are initiated in Msitu Wa Tembo, a small village in the countryside, without access to sports education.

We went also other two days before trainings for trainers started. The project was officially running!

* In the pictures, some of the players who showed interest on coming to Msitu Wa Tembo from next Monday, becoming basketball coaches: Ismail, Hilary, Alpha, Dennis, Emanuel.

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