jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Basketball project IV: An idea which becomes true

When I sent the first message to my friends in Baptist during May, this was the image I had in my mind. Of course, I would have been happy with any partial success. I didn’t expect to find people as Mwalimu Max, the head coaches Dennis and Hilary… They have been so enthusiastic and they are the reason the first idea became true.

What I did expect was that working together with my Spartan friend Javi would be great. So it is being.

In this important day basketball landed in Msitu Wa Tembo, we first checked how was the final outcome of the home-made playground. I love it.


Then, we made sure we had the list with the children who will take part in this activity. For starting, 27 children aged 11-12 and 26 children aged 8-9.

When the trainers from Baptist arrived, we wore our t-shirts and prepare ourselves, reviewing the plan. Here, the red team, composed by Javi, Hilary (head coach), Emanuel and Zacha.

Children arrived and games started. They were quite shy at the start, and they are not used at all to this kind of training. There is much work to be done, but also a lot of energy to make it possible. Trainings last 90 minutes, and in this case, we shared the basketball court, so each team had half of the time of basketball, and half of the time of other games, including games to get to know each other. Here, orange team during basketball part. We were Dennis (head coach), Peter, Alpha and me.

The younger red team finished the training shouting together!

After the training, evaluation meeting with all the sports teachers (who were observing the training, as well as hundreds of children) and all the trainers. As I said, there is much work to be done. Anyway, today is a good day.

1 comentario:

  1. Enhorabuena Iago!!! Por todo.
    Y esto es solo el comienzo...
    Muitos bicos da tua nai
